Training is safe working methods

The following categories of employees are the subject to mandatory health and safety training, as well as knowledge testing:
- workers, managers engaged in production activities;
- members of commissions and public safety inspectors;
- newly employed persons and those who did not pass the HSE test.
The liability for training rests with the heads of enterprises. Rubius LLP prepares an industrial occupational health and safety training program for a specific production with the consent of the local labor inspection agency. Knowledge testing is carried out by examination committee, whose members have the appropriate admission.
Main programs:
- Health & Safety courses:
- Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan requirements to ensure health and safety;
- HSE management basics in organization;
- Ensuring the requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene at the workplace;
- First aid for trauma, bleeding, frostbite, drowning, electric shock and other incidents;
- Industrial safety courses.
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Civil Protection" requirements to ensure industrial safety at hazardous production facilities;
- Risk assessment and risk management;
- Working at height safety actions;
- Industrial safety during working in confined spaces;
- Training of slingers, riggers, scaffolders and other workers for safe working methods;
- Safety requirements for methanol and precursors operations;
- Safety measures in case of possible H2S sulfide emergency release;
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) using, including for the respiratory protection system;
- Safe transportation of dangerous goods;
- Safe (defensive) driving;
- Electrical safety.
- Operational safety requirements:
- hoisting machines and mechanisms;
- pressure vessels;
- main oil pipelines, gas pipelines;
- gas distribution and consumption systems.
- Fire safety courses.
- Fire safety training as the scope of the fire safety basics (FSB);
- FSB for organizations managers who are responsible for fire safety and fire safety briefing;
- FSB for workers and those carrying out fire hazardous work;
- FSB for electrical personnel;