Partners and clients

The main partners of Rubius LLP are following:
- Nutti Atyrau LLP, a Language Link franchise, provides academic and administrative support in organizing the online educational process;
- Caspi Oil Systems LLP provides technical support for VebEx and Microsoft Teams IT platform operation, as well as IoT and Big Data services.
- AB group LLP, being an 1C franchisor, automates the eductionl process based on 1C software, ERP and Bitrix 24 systems.
- «RRC International» (UK), «Envico» (UK) and «360 Training» (USA) authorities assist in Rubius` clients training in foreign training centers.
The main achievement of Rubius LLP is the constantly growing client base among companies operating in the oil and gas sector of Kazakhstan. Our clients include following companies:
- Umirzak Service;
- West Dala;
- Svetland Oil;
- Isker Corporation;
- SaltanatStroyService;
- CCT;
- Yulmar;
- InterCargo Astana;
- ZamanEnergo;
- Invest Express;
- Tamen;
- Phar-Ma;
- Intra;
- Toyota Center;
- Ritm Oil;
- Caspian Oil Security;
- Nasar Solutions;
- AtyrauTauken;
- AtyrauNefteMash;
- KazNDT Sersis;
- Test Project;
- AminaPartners;
- TengizStroyService;
- and other.
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